Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Doligosa, Michael | Continuing Education | michaeldoligosa@360study.net | 3709 |
Dominguez, Diane | Admissions and Records | dianedominguez@360study.net | |
Dominguez, Jonathan | Admissions and Records | jonathandominguez2@360study.net | 4113 |
Domio, Donjeaneau | Nursing Assistant | donjeaneaudomio@360study.net | |
Dorman, Evelyn | Continuing Education | evelyndorman@360study.net | |
Dorton, Darryl | Continuing Education | darryldorton@360study.net | |
Douglas, Shawntrae | Human Resources | shawntraedouglas@360study.net | 3483 |
Doyle, Kelly | Adult Education | kellydoyle@360study.net | 3874 |
Doyle-Marzette, Aaron | Library | aarondoyle-marzette@360study.net | 3343 |
Dragin, Alexandra | English Department | alexandradragin@360study.net | 3346 |
Drebenstedt, Tiffany | Behavioral Science | tiffanydrebenstedt@360study.net | |
Drent, Amanda | Police | amandadrent@360study.net | 3058 |
Drouaillet Robledo, Mario | Operations and Maintenance | mariorobledo@360study.net | |
Duch, Wioleta | Adult Education | wioletaduch@360study.net | |
Duggan, Timothy | Athletics | timothyduggan@360study.net | |
Dugo, Jean | Programming Services | jeandugo@360study.net | 3648 |
Dujua, Daisy | Academic Success Center | daisydujua@360study.net | 3943 |
Dukelow, Michael | Continuing Education | michaeldukelow@360study.net | |
Dunn, Beth | Math | bethdunn@360study.net | 3823 |
Duratovic, Selma | Police | selmaduratovic@360study.net | |
Dusek, Joseph | Math | josephdusek@360study.net | 3053 |
Duwal, Deborah | Continuing Education | deborahduwal@360study.net | |
Dykstra, Jennifer | Academic Success Center | jenniferdykstra@360study.net | |
Dylong, John | Operations and Maintenance | johndylong@360study.net | |
Dziewinski, Brian | Police | briandziewinski@360study.net | |
Eason, Natasha | Health Sport and Exercise Science | natashapurnell@360study.net | |
Edwards, Kaeleen | Academic Success Center | kaeleenedwards@360study.net | |
Edwards-Robertson, Joyce | Cernan Earth and Space Center | joyceedwards-roberts@360study.net | |
Ekpo, Joseph | ECE/Education | josephekpo@360study.net | |
Ellison, Jim | Behavioral Science | jimellison@360study.net | 3502 |
Emanuel, Chaim | Architecture | chaimemanuel@360study.net | |
Eng, Matthew | Continuing Education | mattheweng@360study.net | |
Erzen, Michael | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | michaelerzen@360study.net | 3225 |
Espino, Anthony | Center for Access and Accommodative Services | anthonyespino@360study.net | 3288 |
Espino, Humberto | Information Technology | humbertoespino@360study.net | 3683 |
Esquenazi, Moshe | Continuing Education | mosheesquenazi@360study.net | |
Esserman, Jeanne | Health Sport and Exercise Science | jeanneesserman@360study.net | |
Estefania, Isabel | Admissions and Records | isabelestefania@360study.net | 6207 |
Estrada, Francisco | Athletics | franciscoestrada@360study.net | 3192 |
Ewert, Tracy | Counseling | tracyewert@360study.net | 3109 |
Fabiani, Hilda | Health Sport and Exercise Science | hildafabiani@360study.net | |
Fairbanks, Heather | Library | heatherfairbanks@360study.net | 3770 |
Fajardo, Tee | Staff Services | teefajardo@360study.net | |
Faraj, Abdallah | Automotive | abdallahfaraj@360study.net | |
Fejt, George | Athletics | georgefejt@360study.net | |
Felix, David | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | davidfelix@360study.net | |
Feltman, Roseanne | College Readiness | roseannefeltman@360study.net | 3065 |
Fencl, Terry | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | terryfencl@360study.net | 3567 |
Fennell, Emily | Science | emilyfennell@360study.net | |
Fernandez, Juanita | Operations and Maintenance | juanitafernandez@360study.net |